Jayana Hulinall

Jayana Hulinall circa 1790 AD

Jayana Hulinall the crowned princess of the kingdom of Ekolos. when she was twenty-four, she was forced to flee when the kingdom of Voray attacked. Her family was quickly killed in the assault, though she managed to escape with the map to find the Kulinor, an ancient relic of her people for which the soldiers of Voray were searching. As she fled, she passed the border of the Zylaya forest and stumbled into a large glade and hid in a knot at the base of a large oak tree. she continued to back into the knot until she found she was backing out of it. Confused, she turned to find herself in a completely different wood. Instead of the massive, ancient trees of the Zylaya forest, this wood had shorter, younger trees. as she wandered, she found the remains of an old shack. taking refuge within, the found, against all her hope, the Kulinor. Taking it, she fled to a nearby town. She knocked on the door of a random house where there seemed to be the sounds of merriment and asked for shelter. The strangers agreed to harbor her, but the town was soon attacked by the Golems of Voray.

Character sketch

Jayana Hulinall is tall for her people, though only about average for human standards, standing at about five feet and nine inches. She is fair-skinned, having never felt the weathering effects of a hard life. She is as petite as her station as a princess would suggest, being thin and fair of form. she is not broad in the shoulders, though her shoulders are wider than her hips, and both are wider than her waist. She has long, fair blonde hair and a softly triangular face. She wears what she fled the capitol with, a fine dress with a hastily gathered cloak. When she reaches William’s house, her dress is frayed by her ankles.

Jayana Hulinall is a strong-willed and determined woman who is fiercely loyal to her people. She is a skilled and accomplished Chulchinor technician, possessing a deep understanding of the complex technologies that power her civilization. Jayana is also a quick thinker and resourceful problem solver, capable of adapting to new situations and finding creative solutions to the challenges she faces.

Despite her confidence and competence, Jayana can be guarded and mistrustful, especially around outsiders. This stems from her deep-rooted sense of responsibility for her people and her fear of the consequences that could result from any misstep or error. Despite this, Jayana has a compassionate side and a strong desire to help others in need, which often leads her to take risks and make sacrifices for the greater good.

Overall, Jayana is a complex and multifaceted character, driven by a strong sense of duty and a deep connection to her people, but also capable of compassion and empathy for others. Her skills and determination will be essential in navigating the challenges ahead and finding a way back to her home planet.

Characters, Talamhin